Tuesday, July 24, 2018


It is a type of cancer and is develops in the lining of the lungs, abdomen and in heart. It is rare and aggressive and it caused by an asbestos. It has no cure and it has very bad prognosis. If anyone affected by Mesothelioma than there is no more chance of living. In every year, in the US 3,000 new cases of it comes in The American Cancer Society. People who was working or exposed to asbestos they have chance for developing of it. The symptoms of it can take more time between 20 to 50 years after exposed to asbestos. The life expectancy for this disease patients is poor and there is no cure of.

Malignant mesothelioma is also rare and aggressive form of cancer. It develops in the tissues like the lungs, abdomen and heart. Symptoms of it include chest pain, coughing and problem in breath. It has very poor prognosis and  Treatments for this disease include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy for improve survival.

When someone exhibits symptoms of it then doctors order the variety of tests to find out the diseases. It normally takes weeks or months for doctors to know about the diagnosis of this disease. Young patients have a better prognosis compare to old men. People who diagnosed with peritoneal, they have a more chance of survival more than other. After diagnosis The life expectancy of patients is about 1 year. Treatment of it helps patients to live long life. The most common treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, multimodal therapy, radiation therapy and Palliative Treatments.

According to the report of 2010, The median value for claims is $180,000. Filing a lawsuit can help  the patients to cover medical expenses and other costs. Many companies that produced, distributed and used asbestos products, they give this money and it is known as compensation. A person who exposed to this rare cancer they can only file a lawsuit of personal injury. Mesothelioma lawyers helps to file a lawsuit against the company, who is responsible for their client’s asbestos exposure. If a person die who was exposure of asbestos then his Family have a right to file a wrongful death claims. Then family can got a claim in terms of money and they use this money.